Microarray Analysis Tools
C. elegans microarray analysis
Tools I've written for C. elegans microarray analysis using database information to group genes and annotate the results of experiments.
- Statistical significance of the overlap between two groups of genes
- Worm gene to homolog mappings from NCBI's HomoloGene
GeneLists web site. Microarray data and gene lists (from microarray publications, GO, etc.).
Allows you to examine, compare, and annotate lists of genes and associated microarray data. -
View published microarray data.
- Search C. elegans gene database
- Compare lists of genes.
- Plot GO group p-values on a diagram displaying the GO hierarchy.
Kim lab C. elegans spotted microarray primer information and datasets
Updated gene names which go with the Kim lab chip primers. Primer update page
Kim lab spotted DNA microarray primer list: tab-delimited text

Please send comments or questions regarding this web page to Jim Lund (jlund256 at gmail dot com)