BIO520 Exam 2 Spring 2010
You may use any books, notes, web pages, software programs, or related materials to complete this exam. You MAY NOT consult with any person regarding the exams intellectual content. 1. Examine the structure of human beta3 alcohol dehydrogenase, PDB ID 1HTB.
3. (3 pts) Given a protein with homology only to other proteins of undetermined function, describe steps you could take to characterize it computationally. Give two things you attempt to predict about it and the program/analysis you would use. 4. (2 pts) Examine the energy plot of pairing for RNA sequence 'gcgtgcggctatgtgctagagggcaaagagcttcggttctatcttaggaaatgaagggcccgtggcacaagcgccgcaa' shown here: RNA dotplot. Base pair 1 is at the top left, bp 79 is at the bottom right. On the provided piece of paper 1) write your name and 2) draw this RNA structure. Ignore the sub-optimal lower energy matches (the colored sections). 5. The genomic sequence of a hydrogen sulfide producing bacterium from the human oral cavity, Veillonella dispar is sequenced independently by two companies, both to 10X coverage using shotgun paired-end whole genome sequencing. The completed genome is estimated to be 10 Mb. One uses Sanger sequencing and acquires reads with an average length of 900 bp and the second uses an Illumina sequencer and has sequence reads with an average length of 85 bp. As the total sequence is the same there are many more Illumina sequence reads.
6. (2 pt) The DOE sequencing finishing standards specify 99.9% per base accuracy. Briefly describe two serious problems that would arise from working with genomic sequence with a 99% accuracy, an average of one error in 100 bp. 7. Indicate which of the following is a part of gene annotation in each organism. Items can apply to one, both, or neither organism.
A. GeneMark B. VAST C. PDB D. TRANSFAC E. JPRED F. TargetP G. PSORT II H. JMol I. Cn3D J. MFOLD K. WoLF PSORT L. Artemis M. Phrap N. Phyre O. PDB 0. Predict membrane topology of proteins with membrane spanning α-helices. 1. Predict membrane topology of proteins with membrane spanning β-strands. 2. Protein threading server. 3. Program to assemble contigs from DNA sequences. 4. Uses homology modeling to predict protein structure. 5. Protein subcellular location. 6. DNA sequencing and assembly machine. 7. Protein structure database. 8. Phylogenetics trees--construction and analysis. 9. Transcription factor binding site database. 10. NCBI's protein structure viewer. 11. Web browser protein structure viewer 12. RNA folding. 13. Protein structure prediction web server. 14. RNA structure database. 15. De novo gene finding 16. Predict exon-intron gene structure in genomic DNA. 17. Predict protein secondary structure. 18. Subcellular localization prediction for eukaryotic proteins. 19. Subcellular localization prediction using signal sequences and homology. 20. Edit multiple sequence alignments. 21. Program for aligning protein structures. 22. View, edit, and analyze DNA annotations of genes and other sequence features. ![]() Site maintained by Jim Lund