Reading 1 web page will not substitute for years of cell biology and biochemistry classes.  Because a bioinformatics class like BIO520 has at least two potential audiences:  biologists learning about informatics and informaticians learning about biology, this material has limited objectives.


The objective of the biology primer is to identify critical concepts, organize fundamentals (perhaps in a new way), indicate vocabulary, and to provide a "capsulized" FAQ sheet on biology.  These concepts are  reviewed in lecture 2, which serves as the backbone of the answers to the FAQs!


  1. Basic biological principles. 

  2. Evolution as a unifying principle. 

  3. The organism as a fundamental biological unit.

  4. The cell as a subunit of the organism.

  5. The cell as a biochemical assembly. 

  6. The central dogma of molecular biology.  

  7.  Proteins as cellular machines. 

  8. The production of proteins by gene expression. 

    1. Prokaryotic gene expression. 

    2. Eukaryotic gene expression.

  9. Critical aspects of protein structure.

  10. Differential gene expression as a means of regulation.

  11. Fundamental molecular genetic experiments.

    1. Purifying DNA

    2. Characterizing DNA

    3. Measuring RNA expression.

    4. Measuring protein expression.


BIO Ballparks

Handy Amino Acid Stuff



Dictionary of Cell Biology


Primer on Molecular Genetics



University of Kentucky   BIO520

Site maintained by Jim Lund