
Sequence_ID Length Evalue SCOP_domains
1rg9A proteopedia3835.03e-55 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
1qm4A proteopedia3964.07e-54 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
2obvA proteopedia3846.72e-54
3imlA proteopedia3991.03e-53
2p02A proteopedia3961.36e-53
3grnA proteopedia15313.77
1x9uA proteopedia11613.84
1yw1A proteopedia44220.64 c.1.16.4
1tvlA proteopedia45421.23 c.1.16.4
3bh1A proteopedia50722.52
1o69A proteopedia39426.81 c.67.1.4
2fiqA proteopedia42029.11 c.1.10.7
2a1vA proteopedia14450.10 d.198.3.1
1qysA proteopedia10652.75 k.41.1.1
1ikpA proteopedia61354.94 b.29.1.7 d.166.1.1 f.1.5.1
2gjhA proteopedia6256.02
1ikqA proteopedia61359.85 b.29.1.7 d.166.1.1 f.1.5.1
2e5vA proteopedia47263.94
3b78B proteopedia20769.63
1gq8A proteopedia31969.80 b.80.1.5
1wscA proteopedia23074.22 d.309.1.1
3b82B proteopedia20777.35
3b8hB proteopedia20779.06
1zm9B proteopedia20780.09 d.166.1.1
1xk9A proteopedia21580.31 d.166.1.1
1aerA proteopedia21182.85 d.166.1.1
2zitB proteopedia20782.86
1dmaA proteopedia21483.68 d.166.1.1
1o0sA proteopedia60588.28 c.2.1.7 c.58.1.3

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001