
Sequence_ID Length Evalue SCOP_domains
2p02A proteopedia3961.37e-45
1rg9A proteopedia3835.53e-45 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
1qm4A proteopedia3961.30e-44 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
2g45A proteopedia12912.20
2qebA proteopedia14518.64
1qysA proteopedia10622.10 k.41.1.1
1ayfA proteopedia10531.87 d.15.4.1
1n2sA proteopedia29933.21 c.2.1.2
2gv8A proteopedia44734.92 c.3.1.5 c.3.1.5
1aroL proteopedia15136.19 d.118.1.1
1zh1A proteopedia16337.68
2bfdA proteopedia40042.26
3dq0A proteopedia51643.11
2d1sA proteopedia54843.96
2j8mA proteopedia17245.01
1q8bA proteopedia10545.32 d.58.4.6
3dnfA proteopedia29749.80
3c2xA proteopedia17150.09
1ghpA proteopedia25852.61 e.3.1.1
2qdfA proteopedia33561.11
1ixkA proteopedia31561.50 c.66.1.38
3ic9A proteopedia49263.91
3gnlA proteopedia24466.23
1sqgA proteopedia42971.75 a.79.1.3 c.66.1.38
3hvmA proteopedia33074.26
1vqwA proteopedia45777.17 c.3.1.5 c.3.1.5
1sg6A proteopedia39378.19 e.22.1.1
3ko5A proteopedia16483.87
3d7nA proteopedia19385.07

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001