
Sequence_ID Length Evalue SCOP_domains
2p02A proteopedia3962.54e-54
1rg9A proteopedia3832.96e-54 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
1qm4A proteopedia3963.99e-53 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1 d.130.1.1
2oatA proteopedia43911.37 c.67.1.4
2d1sA proteopedia54811.74
2ajrA proteopedia33116.06 c.72.1.1
2hlzA proteopedia31216.50
2cw6A proteopedia29817.61
1tvzA proteopedia38821.25 c.95.1.2 c.95.1.2
2hfkA proteopedia31925.97
2hb5A proteopedia16429.33
3kkjA proteopedia33631.83
1s0aA proteopedia42933.41 c.67.1.4
1oatA proteopedia43934.04 c.67.1.4
1o0sA proteopedia60536.01 c.2.1.7 c.58.1.3
3k7mX proteopedia43138.79
1qysA proteopedia10643.31 k.41.1.1
1ydnA proteopedia29543.64
2o8tA proteopedia25344.61
2gv8A proteopedia44744.88 c.3.1.5 c.3.1.5
1ig0A proteopedia31945.56 b.82.6.1 c.100.1.1
1uqtA proteopedia48245.71 c.87.1.6
2qdfA proteopedia33550.79
2wxfA proteopedia94051.18
3h4rA proteopedia26552.04
3ednA proteopedia29953.89
1cq3A proteopedia23355.01 b.27.1.1
1a6jA proteopedia16355.05 d.112.1.1
2qyvA proteopedia48759.05
2pt7A proteopedia33059.46
2o6wA proteopedia15059.81
1kaeA proteopedia43460.44 c.82.1.2
2bs2A proteopedia66065.33 a.7.3.1 c.3.1.4 d.168.1.1
3huiA proteopedia12671.08
1qj5A proteopedia42977.19 c.67.1.4
2hqqA proteopedia29877.69
2b76A proteopedia60279.02 a.7.3.1 c.3.1.4 d.168.1.1
2jkhA proteopedia24179.10
1ayfA proteopedia10579.56 d.15.4.1
2zpsA proteopedia22279.87
1rxxA proteopedia42181.38 d.126.1.4
2e7yA proteopedia28083.90
2p5iA proteopedia28884.02
3c7bB proteopedia36688.89
1sb8A proteopedia35288.98 c.2.1.2

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001